Some pictures from our time in Israel this October--the kids suffered from terrible jetlag, and we all managed to get sick, but we enjoyed our time in Jerusalem, Zichron Yaakiv, Karmiel, Tzfat, and Tel Aviv with the family and our friends. Here are some of the highlights!
The life and times of Jeremy, Alys, Avi & Ella Wylen
Fun with Firefighters
Avi and Ella play dress up together, Feb 3, 2011
Ella at 7 Months
February 3, 2011
Ella at 6 Months
January 3, 2011
Ella at 5 Months
December 3, 2010
Ella at 4 Months
November 3, 2010
Ella at 3 Months
October 3, 2010
The Little Wylens
It's hard to get two squrimy kids to pose--but we gave it a try!
Ella at Two Months
September 3, 2010
Ella at One Month
August 3, 2010
Ella Eve Wylen
born 7.3.10 at 11:40am, 6 lb 3oz, 19 inches
Three Amigos
...soon to be four...
Family Portrait
Taken on Alys' birthday on a beautiful Seattle Sunday.
Happy Birthday Ema
Avi shares some love on Ema's 34th Bday at the Ballard Locks.
New Babies
Baby Girl Wylen at 24 weeks meets Baby Boy Serota at 18 weeks! Stay tuned for "outside" pictures!
The Drummer
Avi bangs the you-know-what out of his friend Janne's drumset at a playdate. As he played, he sang, "Hinei Matov!"
The Fireman
Avi enjoys dressing up as a fireman and driving the truck at the Seattle Children's Museum.
The Conductor
By far, Avi's favorite toys are trains. Here he is wearing his great Uncle David's Conductor hat.
"I So Cute"
This is what Avi says when he tries on Aunt Daya's sunglasses.
18 Months!
The return of the "sign" photos for the big 18 month bday.
Movie Star
Savta took this picture of Avi at Richmond Beach, looking dapper in his green hat.
Avi spent a week or two in pure misery as he cut all 4 of his 1st year molars at once. In this picture, he shows off all his hard work!
Father's Day
We spent our second Father's Day at the Fremont Fair in Seattle.
Pre-Mother's Day
For Mother's Day, Avi gave Ema his cold, so we don't have any nice pictures of that day. Instead, here is one from the day before she got sick, at the beach near our house.
A classic father-son shot.
Clowning Around
Avi's favorite thing to do while waiting for me to finish up in the bathroom.
My New Front Teeth
After months of being called "Fang," Avi finally grows his front teeth at 11 months!
11 Months Old!
Avi's unique tooth situation...
Avi Meets Elmo
At Daniel's first birthday party, Elmo came to life!
Aunt Susan's New Sweater
Avi got a chance to show off his latest Aunt Susan sweater to the woman who made it all possible--Great Aunt Susan!
Aunt Ruthie and Cousin Rachel
In town for Daniel's birthday party, Avi's Great Aunt Ruthie and cousin Rachel got a chance to visit with our big boy.
Saba and Me
Savta Loves Avi
Check out my cool hairdo!
8 Months Old
7 Months Old
First Swing
Avi takes a turn on the swingset at Brookdale Park for the first time. September 2008.
Cousin Sarah
Avi hangs out with cousin Sarah Wasser in NYC
6 Months Old
Avi has reached the half-way point of his first year, and he is sitting, crawling, and pulling up to stand. So much development in such a short period of time!
The Wylen Family
August 2008
Nemo Love
Avi took his favorite stuffed animal--the talking Nemo--to his photo shoot. The results are priceless!
It took Avi about 1 minute to master the sippy cup for the first time today. Ahh, those were three refreshing sips of spring water! Yum!
5 Months Old!
Avi is officially 5 months old. He couldn't be more excited!
Bottle To Go, Please!
Avi gets so excited when he sees his bottle, he can't even wait for us to sit down and give it to him. He tries to eat even when I am walking (and he often succeeds!).
High Chair Mania
Avi's new favorite hang out is his high chair, where good things come into his mouth. He's mastered rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, prunes, apples, peas and pears. Coming soon: carrots, sweet potatoes and avocado!
Avi is 4 Months Old!
Our little steamroller now loves to play on his tummy and do baby pushups and sit ups. His giggle is coming into full action as well!
Father's Day
On Jeremy's first Father's Day, his son proved himself a true Wylen--staring at, grabbing, and trying to eat a giant bag of M&Ms.
Avi Meets Uncle Boomie
Uncle Boomie came all the way from Los Angeles to visit. We had a nice shabbat together, with lots of laughs.
Look Mom, No Hands!
At 13 weeks, Avi is loving being carried "face out" in his wrap, so he can see the world around him from a new angle.
Doda Shosh is Back
After a month in Israel, Doda Shosh came back to NJ for a few days before heading down to Baltimore for her summer job.
Avi is 3 Months Old!
Our little chunker is getting bigger and cuter every day. Is it possible that he could get any more adorable??
Mother's Day 2008
All the Mommies in the Yablon Wylen clan got together for Mother's Day. Avi got his Ema a much needed massage gift certificate! If only she can find the time to use it!!
Golf Day
Avi can't wait to go golfing with Saba Zayde one of these days!
Avi is 2 months old
8 weeks old and sporting a cool Polo
5 Weeks Old
Avi on his play mat, watching the purple elephant
Avi at 1 month
Avi loves his bath and hippo towel!
Avi Meets his Cousin Daniel
Cousin Daniel Venit made a guest appearance at Avi's bris, where the boys met for the first time. We hope that by Passover they will start to develop their relationship!
Baby W Smiles at Age 3 Days
Clearly a genius, our child loves to make silly faces and smile.
Aunt Daya Comes to Town
At 40 weeks, Daya came out to visit for the weekend, hoping that we might go into labor while she was here. No such luck, though she did get to bond with the big belly one last time.
Alys at 34 Weeks
This is what I look like on the days I work from home--exhausted, huge, and too busy to change out of my PJs or put on my contact lenses!
Alys and Jeremy at 26 Weeks
Here we are a few days before Thanksgiving (and no, that's not a turkey under my sweater!)
Alys at 24 Weeks
This snapshot was taken during our recent trip to Atlanta. Not to worry, a new digital camera is on our list of things to get before the baby is born!
Baby at 24 Weeks
Because I was having some early contractions (Braxton Hicks) we were treated to an extra ultrasound, where we found out that everything is just fine. In this picture, you can see Baby W doing some fancy footwork--one leg is bent over the torso, and the toes are pointing toward the top of the head, while baby grabs his/her nose with a hand!
16 Weeks and counting
here we are in early September (we are both a lot bigger now!)
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