Thursday, June 12, 2008

15 Weeks: Tossing and Turning

At 13 weeks, Avi started rolling over. At first it was just in one directions--from back to tummy, usually on the left side. Then he started doing it on both sides. Then the rolling got faster and faster. Then he learned how to flip back from his tummy onto his back. At 15 weeks, Avi has decided that playing on his mat is only fun when he is lying on his back, and when in the crib, he only wants to roll onto his tummy, and back and forth and back again, then staying on his tummy and pushing up onto his knees, scooting up and up and up until his head hits the top (and sometimes the corner) of the crib. We had rough time with this for a few days, until Avi learned how to go in reverse. Now he loves to sleep on his tummy with his tushy in the air. So cute!

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