October has been a fun month month with Avi so far. He has a little cold, but is the trooper he always is (with the exception of getting really annoyed with me when I wipe his nose). He laughs so much, bables constantly, waves bye-bye, is ticklish all over, and likes to "hide" by putting his face in cushions and craking up. He is crawling like a maniac, and climbing whatever he finds. We spent the first day of sukkot with Saba and Savta, where Avi discovered STEPS, which we do not have in our apartment. Within two seconds of reaching the step, he figured out how to climb all the way up to the top, and then speed-crawl into the kitchen to find Savta. He loved eating in the sukkah (especially since he got to have his first "people food" when he got a mashed up sweet potato and carrot from Savta's yontif tzimmis). The general consensus is that Avi is starting to look more and more like his Abba, after many months of looking mostly like his Ema. Whoever he looks like, he is the most delicious baby we know!