Avi is over a month old now, and we're starting to get to know him a bit better. We know he likes to eat--a lot, and often. He has amazing lungs and when he's hungry, the whole house knows it. He doesn't just cry--he screams full force. The screams are then followed by what Doda Shosh calls the goat sound, a little bleating complete with the pushed-out lower lip, which means "Nothing's actually wrong with me, I just want food NOW." Here is a photo of Avi in a 12-month onesie. Not surprisingly, it doesn't look quite as big on him as I'd imagined it would. The idea is to take a photo of him in this onesie every month, to document how he's growing. Anyone want to bet how many months it will take for him to fit into 12-month clothing? Hint: He is already starting to grow out of the 3-month outfits!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Avi Broches Wylen

The last 4 weeks have been a whirlwind of diapers, nursing, healing from the c-section, and getting to know our little Avi Ben-Zion. Avi's bris was a beautiful event, filled with the love of family and friends, grandparents and even great-grandparents, and couins galore. We were thrilled with our mohel, Cantor Menachem Toren (if anyone wants a referral, let us know--we searched high and low for him and were extremely happy with his services). Ema Alys was probably more traumatized by the event than Avi was. Since then, we've been blessed with lots of help from Nana Cheryl and Aunts Daya and Shosh, who have selflessly given up full nights of sleep to help us out. Avi is now a month old, and has already gained 3 pounds since he was born, and is now up to 11 pounds, 4 ounces. He is alert and happy most of the time, and his big blue eyes and gummy smile melt our hearts every day. We hope to find more time to update the blog in the weeks to come, now that I am feeling better and starting to adjust to my up-every-two- hours schedule!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Baby Wylen is Here!

Finally, Baby Wylen appeared on the scene! He was born at 10:17 am on Wednesday, February 27, 2008, weighing in at an impressive 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and measuring 21 1/2 inches long. The whole story will be posted on this blog when Ema and Aba Wylen emerge from their daze. In the meantime, enjoy a few cute pictures of our little angel, who will be named at his brit milah ceremony on Wednesday, March 5. Stay posted!
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